Innovation Master

Focused know-how about innovation culture, strategy and leadership in a 4 day online workshop


Key aspects

The Innovation Master builds on the knowledge of the “Innovation Professional” and focuses on the topics of innovation strategy, business model development, innovation culture and innovation leadership. Besides many insights from successful Innovation Projects , tools from the verrocchio Institute are also part of the training.

20 %

of the participants rate the practical benefit of the training as excellent 

4 out of 5

participants are in close contact with the verrocchio Institute even after the Innovation Master for innovation topics

20 %

of the content is based on experience from implemented innovation projects 

5 out of 5

participants have a much clearer innovation plan after the training

For whom?

The training to become an Innovation Coach is ideal for all those who

in their professional environment.

The Training is addressed to


per participant
  • 16 x 90 Minutes
  • Online Live
  • spread over 4 days


per team / up to 15 participants
  • on site at your place
  • up to 15 participants
  • content customizable

Note for german clients: Our offers are exclusively directed to entrepreneurs according to §14 BGB. We do not conclude contracts with consumers. Therefore all prices are indicated in net, plus the currently valid VAT.  


Global Innovation Master 1-2022
Online 4 days – via Zoom

21.06. / 22.06. / 05.07. / 06.07.2022
Times to be announced

Global Innovation Master 1-2023
Online 4 days – via Zoom

09.05. / 10.05. / 23.05. / 24.05.2023
Times to be announced


Discover how you can find innovators and innovators and support them with freedom. Learn how to identify targets and challenges whose solutions and ideas are designed to move the company forward.

  • What prerequisites does a company need to create an innovation culture?
  • What questions must be asked to identify the innovators in the teams?
  • What do values have to do with the culture of innovation?
  • How do you identify the innovators in the team?

Creating a culture of innovation always means a process of change for the employees.

  • What do employees need to talk about to create a high-performance innovation culture?
  • How can I implement the change in a structured way?
  • Which measures suit which companies?
  • 360 Degree Innovation: How do I use the turbo for innovation processes correctly?

With the help of the Blue Ocean Strategy or the Business Model Canvas, radical new business ideas can be developed that are thought out laterally and focus on new needs.

  • How are Business Model Generation and the Blue Ocean Strategy used?
  • What are benefit innovations and how can I achieve the dynamics of newly created needs?
  • What strategies are there for disruptive value creation?
  • How can existing market boundaries be overridden?

In the past, the rule was: “After the finding of ideas comes the evaluation of ideas and then we start with their implementation” – especially for disruptive innovations or new products in highly agile markets this has not been true for a long time.

  • How can implementation start as early as the idea generation stage?
  • Why is early prototyping not possible with silos?
  • Why do teams that make plans lose?
  • What is Design Thinking and where can I use the approach sensibly?
  • What does the “immune system” of your company say about it

The introduction of an innovative corporate culture requires open communication and a new management style that is capable of bringing about change.

  • How does a manager who drives innovation behave?
  • How do the different leadership styles affect the ability to innovate?
  • Which hurdles do I have to consider when introducing innovation management?
  • How do I deal with the different types of concerns?

The curriculum

Would you like a detailed overview of our training?
Feel free to download our course curriculum as a PDF for free.

Get the curriculum for the Innovation Coach training

Here you can download the curriculum for the training free of charge.


During the Innovation Master training you will receive answers to the following questions: 


The prerequisite for booking the Innovation Master is a previous visit of the Innovation Professional (or proof of comparable knowledge), as the course builds on the fundamentals.

Apply now to participate

Also in 2022 there will be a Global Innovation Coach training. The individual modules Professional, Master and Facilitator will take place online-live throughout the year.

Apply here to secure one of 12 places in the Innovation Master 2022. We look forward to your application and a subsequent personal meeting with you.

You can apply for the entire Global Innovation Coach Training 2022, or for one of the individual modules Professional, Master or Facilitator.

Comments of our customers

We are very happy about the positive comments of our customers, who have already taken part in one of our training courses

Your trainers

In the training to become an Innovation Professional, you profit directly from the practical experience of the two verrocchio founders Benno van Aerssen and Christian Buchholz, who have accompanied more than 2,000 innovation projects in 25 countries in the last 20 years. 

Included in all packages 

Detailed participant documents to read up on

verrocchio MethodPads and tools licensed for use in own workshops

3 months FLIP-Premium access

Lifelong membership in the Innovator’s Circle 

Personal contact to the speakers for questions after the workshop 

Personal verrocchio certificate of participation